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Useful Windows Powershell Script

Some of the useful powershell script which can be used in our day to day life.

1. Get running scheduled tasks on a Windows system.

(get-scheduledtask).where({$_.state -eq 'running'})

2. Get system uptime from multiple computers

Get-CimInstance Win32_operatingsystem -ComputerName $computers |
Select-Object PSComputername,LastBootUpTime,
@{Name="Uptime";Expression = {(Get-Date) - $_.LastBootUptime}}

3. Get drive utilization using PSDrives

Get-PSDrive -PSProvider filesystem | where-object {$_.used -gt 0} |
select-Object -property Root,@{name="SizeGB";expression={($_.used+$ -as [int]}},
@{name="UsedGB";expression={($_.used/1GB) -as [int]}},
@{name="FreeGB";expression={($ -as [int]}},

4. List of Installed applications

Get-PSDrive -PSProvider filesystem | where-object {$_.used -gt 0} |
select-Object -property Root,@{name="SizeGB";expression={($_.used+$ -as [int]}},
@{name="UsedGB";expression={($_.used/1GB) -as [int]}},
@{name="FreeGB";expression={($ -as [int]}},

5. Get details about all external scripts in your %PATH%.

gcm -commandtype externalscript | Get-Item |
Select-Object Directory,Name,Length,CreationTime,LastwriteTime,
@{name="Signature";Expression={(Get-AuthenticodeSignature $_.fullname).Status }}

6. Get event log utilization for remote computers defined in $computers

gcim Win32_NTEventLogFile -computer $computers -filter "NumberOfRecords > 0" |
Select-Object @{Name="Computername";Expression={$_.CSName}},
@{Name="MaxSize(KB)";Expression={($_.MaxFileSize/1KB) -as [int]}},
@{name="PercentUsed";Expression={[math]::round(($_.filesize/$_.maxFileSize)*100,2)}} |
Sort Computername,PercentUsed |
Format-Table -GroupBy Computername -property LogFileName,NumberOfRecords,*Size*,PercentUsed

7. Get freespace for drive C on the local computer formatted in GB
(gcim win32_logicaldisk -filter "deviceid = 'C:'").FreeSpace/1gb

#or use the PSDrive

(gdr c).Free/1gb

8. Get a date string in the format year-month-day-hour-min-second

get-date -format yyyyMMddhhmmss

9. Get the last time your computer booted

(gcim win32_operatingsystem).LastBootUpTime

#or modify to get uptime

(get-date) - ((gcim win32_operatingsystem).LastBootUpTime)

10. Get configured TrustedHosts.

(get-wsmaninstance wsman/config/client).trustedhosts

11. Get all drives identified by a standard drive letter.

get-volume -driveletter (97..122) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

12. Get total physical memory formatted as GB

gcim win32_computersystem -computer SRV1,SRV2 | Select PSComputername,@{N="Memory";E={$_.TotalPhys
icalMemory/1GB -as [int]}}

13. Get IPv4 addresses on your local adapters.

Get-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily IPv4 | where-object IPAddress -notmatch "^(169)|(127)" | Sort-Object IPAddress | select IPaddress,Interface*

14. Find all processes that use a given module (dll).

get-process | Where { $_.Modules.filename -match "netapi32.dll"}

15. List all PowerShell profile script settings

$profile | select *host* | fl

16. Get the current date time as UTC time

#or pretty it up
"$((get-date).ToUniversalTime()) UTC"

"$((get-date).ToUniversalTime().tolongdatestring()) UTC"

17. Get a formatted report of all commands with synopsis.

(Get-Command).where( { $_.source }) | Sort-Object Source, CommandType, Name |
Format-Table -GroupBy Source -Property CommandType, Name, @{Name = "Synopsis"; Expression = { (Get-Help $}}

18. Unlock-ADAccount

Parameter Set: Default
Unlock-ADAccount [-Identity] <ADAccount> [-AuthType <ADAuthType> {Negotiate | Basic} ] [-Credential ,PSCredential]

Unlock-ADAccount -identity

19. Set-ADAccountPassword

$SecureString=ConvertTo-SecureString -string Abcd1234 -AsPlainText -Force

Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity TestAccount -Reset -NewPassword $SecureString


20. Remotely restart or shut down another computer

Start-Sleep 60; Restart-Computer –Force –ComputerName TARGETMACHINE

Stop-Computer –computer DC1 –Credential ashish\administrator


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